Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Devotion Towards My Goal

It’s a common saying that a man is known by the company he keeps, I enhance this further that, “he is also known by how he keeps his surroundings”. By keeping the surrounding good means to keep it clean, tidy, peaceful and fertile for literary growth. It should be kept in mind that if the surrounding of an educational institute is not tidy and peaceful then there is less chance for a literary approach to flourish. This was somewhat the essence of our first lecture at Karachi University by our visionary teacher, and I sort of made it a bible for my entire life.

In my whole tenure at university I had been living up to implement the above mentioned saying, or at least become an aid to those who were trying to do so. Throughout our student days in university we were very active through our youth-based platform KUMAK, we organized cleaning campaigns, held literary discussions, organized reading sessions and much more to establish a literary environment in our department, where knowledge found a peaceful environment to persist.

Karachi University, as most of us know, is under strong control of political parties which operate through their respective student groups, ill-famed for their not-so-humble attitude. Despite their repeated claims of being an aid to students on campus, they actually are annoying at times and mostly a hindrance in the smooth flow of literary activities inside the university premises. They can be seen boycotting classes, forcing teachers not to teach, doing wall-chalking on department walls, pasting posters on every clean space of wall they find making the department more of a ‘Numaish Chowrangi’.

I, along with others fellows had actively initiated cleaning campaigns in our department to clear it off the political posters and hold. We always faced strong objection from political parties for keeping the environment clean of their influence but we somehow managed to tackle it, sometimes by diplomacy or sometime by completely ignoring to their threats.

I somehow managed to take the official permission for running this campaign, or had to look for favorable allies to keep them calm, but we never stopped following the right path. We had gathered a sizable number of like-minded students who all wanted a peaceful and tidy learning place, this lobbying proved effective many times.

Things don’t run smooth all the time and there comes a time when you have to face the heat. It was my time to face the music some one and a half year back, when I was in my final semester. On a sunny day, we who were doing the poster cleaning in department got in deep trouble at the sudden arrival of the political activists, that too of the same party whose posters we were removing. Despite the various efforts to calm the situation, the mess was done and it all ended up with me getting the beating of my life - yes it happens in KU. It was a very awkward situation for me, lying on the department floor with a bleeding nose. I had never expected this, but this never made me go off track. I went back to doing the same cleaning up, this time a bit more carefully and in a subliminal way without coming to front and preferring to control the strings from backyard, but the mission prevailed.

The bible constituted on day-one was followed in its true letter and spirit and it will be, the motivation is still there though I don’t regularly visit the university, when I do, I try to leave a mark. Not on my nose, but on the surroundings.

Apple Will Reach The 25Billion Mark, What About You?

The world may not be growing physically but technically it is enhancing tremendously, courtesy the massive number of inventions and technologies on exhibit. Human consumption of new tech-gadgets has increased like never before and with Apple announcing to reach the 25 billion apps download” milestone, man seems more like an app-eater rather than consumer.

To fulfill this apps-appetite the smartphone application designers and developers are always on the go, carrying out new innovations in apps industry. A close analysis of acquired data reveals that there are several apps being downloaded per minute, even second. With this rate it wouldn’t take long for Apple to reach 25 billion apps download” milestone. The company says on its counter page, “As of today, nearly 25 billion apps have been downloaded worldwide. Download the 25 billionth app, and you could win a US$10,000 App Store Gift Card.”

The race is on full swing and probably by the time you get to read this, it would be finished with a winner taking away $10,000. What will remain is the vast market of application design industry where at one side you have a never ending clientele while on the other hand you find a huge number of app designers and developers fulfilling the demands of customers. The market is growing enormously, as in case of Apple the company has added 15 billion apps to its count at this time last year. In Jan 2011 Apple hit 10 billion downloaded apps, PC Magazine reported.

A recent report published by Holzer & Ondrust in Switzerland states there are many new opportunities for apps designers to develop, distribute, and generate significant revenues with the emerging mobile application portals. The PC Magazine article also identified the 10 billion app downloads in Google’s Android market by the end of 2011. It will be pertinent to mention that users are currently downloading approximately one billion apps a month, giving you a clear picture of the immense scope in apps designing and developing industry.

Experts believe that mobile/smartphone is the biggest war platform ever, and with the rise in social media usage on it the scenario is all set for developers to conquer. "The count of mobile-connected gadgets will outdo the number of people on planet earth by the end of 2012, and by 2016 there will be 1.4 mobile devices per capita," a recent Cisco forecast said.

In this ever-changing world you cannot stick to one thing and feel secure, you have to excel and you must. You need to excel in accordance to the prevailing trends in market, if you fail to transform things will not get going for you. Switching to creative and unique smartphone apps is more like a necessity, either to enhance you business venture or to stay updated and connected 24/7. Apple is about to, and definitely will, reach the 25 billion apps download milestone, but are you concerned of you own standing in this fast moving world.

Compatible smartphone applications are there for you, just visit the portfolio at 365SocialMedia website and order your app.